Invited Speaker

Current status of ICT Education for National University of Laos
Somphone KANTHAVONG, Ph.D.
Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering
National University of Laos, Laos
National University of Laos "NUOL" was established by merging the higher education institutes which were under the supervision of several ministries into one university under the Ministry of Education and sports. NUOL has played 4 roles in 1) providing higher education in areas required for the socio-economic development of Laos; 2) performing research in natural and social sciences; 3) preserving the arts, culture and traditions of the nation; and 4) providing academic services to society. It is known for its diversity programs in Bachelor degrees; Master degree programs are conducted in its academic disciplines, and some Doctoral degree programs, as well. In modernization of the university toward digital-based university in the future. NUOL is upgraded for ICT roles to 1) Develop and Manage the ICT infrastructure in the whole university, 2) Develop ICT human resource toward "ICT based society", 3) Supporting and Doing research in the field of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and ICT, and 4) to provide academic services. For strengthening the ICT system in line with the University ICT Development Plan, The ICT Development plan of university is adjusted or improved almost every year in order to catch up with the Rapid pace of the technology. However, it is hard in order to take it into action due to insufficient budget for investment itself. 2011, Since the project called "ASEAN Cyber University" which continuously support by the Republic of Korea, the e-Learning has been being done in NUOL. In addition Lao IT Business Incubation Center (LIBIC) is also one of the core activities and will be identified in this talk.
Professional Experience Record:
- From 1987-1996 : Lecture at Electronic and Electrical College, Ministry of Education and sports
- From 1996-2004 : professor at Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos
- From 2004-2008 : Director of Lao-Japan Technical Training Center, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos
- From 2008-present : Head of Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos
Research Area:
- QoS Based Routing Algorithm with Crank-Back Ability. International Conference on Control, Automation and System (ICCAS 2003)
- Optical-Quantum Security using Dark-Bright Solution Conversion in a Ring Resonator System, Procedia Engineering
- Evaluation of Medical Ultrasonic Echo Image Quality for No-Reference Image, Regional Conference on Information and Communication Technology
- Intelligent for 3D Localization Supported visitor Tracking Service in Lao's Museum RCCIE-2013,
- Image Quality Criterion of Ultrasonic Echo Image using Standard Deviation, JICTEE 2014
- Smart Tracking System Applied for Lao's Museum using RFID Technology based on Fingerprint Technique
- A Context-Aware Application for Controlling Multi-sensors to Monitor Energy Use in Rooms, The 3rd International Conference on Big Data Applications and services