Invited Speaker

Virtua Reality for Metaverse Applications
Prof. Byeong-Seok Shin
Professor Inha University, Korea
Director of MEDIAAI Lab.
Recently, as interest in metaverse has been concentrated, various studies are being conducted to establish and utilize the metaverse world in the IT field. After creating a virtual world, virtual reality technology is the most important tool for representing and interacting with the objects in the virtual world realistically. In this lecture, I will briefly explain what virtual reality technology is, how these technologies have been developed, and in what areas they are currently being used. Through this, I hope that it will be help to those who are interested in metaverse.
Byeong-Seok Shin is IEEE and ACM Member since 1996. He is a professor of the department of Electronic and Computer Engineering in Inha University Korea. He receives his Ph.D degree of computer engineering in Seoul National University Korea in 1997. His research area includes Computer Graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality and Computer Games. Especially, he has worked in medical imaging and visualization field with several medical specialists. He has written more than hundreds of research papers on the famous journal and conference proceedings. He was a president of Korean Computer Graphics society from 2016 to 2017. Currently he is a president of Korean Instititue of Next Generation Computing as well as a vice-president of Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS), The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, and Korean Society of Human Computer Interaction.