Submission due :Jan.5,2015
Author notification :Jan.15,2014
Registration due :Jan.25,2014
Congress dates :Feb.24-26,2015
sponsored by
The 2015 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services
"Advanced Mobile, Communications, Security, Multimedia, Vehicular, Cloud, IoT, and Computing"
1. The congress proceedings will be included in a congress CD proceedings (without ISBN / ISSN).
(The only one page or two pages of accepted paper will be included in the congress proceedings).
2. Distinguished selected papers accepted and presented in World IT Congress 2015 Jeju, after further revisions, will be recommended for the special issues of the following international journals:
++ Expected recommendation rate for SIs from accepted and presented papers : SCI/E Journal (40%), SCOPUS Journal (60%), other intl' journal or Post LNEE proceedings (40~60%) ++
   ** It is depend on intl' events (Please visit to the each event website) **
3. The top ranked best papers will be recommended to intl' top journals (impact factor: 2.0) or intl' journals indexed by SCI or SSCI.
Important notice
**This is the current index status of the journal. However, the journal index may be changed due to several reasons.
In the case, we are not responsible for it**
**The recommended authors MUST strongly keep the recommendation guideline for the submission.
When authors recommend potential reviewers for their paper, the recommended person' s country must be different.