Invited Speaker

Towards Virtual Reality
Prof. Zhihan Lv
Associate Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden
Research Expert, Haier IoC Research Institute, China.
Virtual Reality is a computer simulation system that can create and experience virtual worlds. It uses a computer to generate an analog environment and use the user to immerse in this environment. Virtual Reality is the use of data in real life, electronic signals generated by computer technology, combining various output devices, making it a phenomenon that people can feel, these phenomena can become real objects in reality, or a substance. We can't see the naked eye, which is expressed through the threedimensional model. Because these phenomena is not we can see directly, but the real world of computer technology simulation, called Virtual Reality. In our work, I researched the use of Virtual Reality in geographic information, molecular biology and eurological rehabilitation, and has developed some enhanced realistic interaction technology. Finally, we introduced the work of Hash Geocoding and blockchain in Virtual Reality Geographic Information Systems.
Zhihan Lv is IEEE Senior Member, British Computer Society Fellow, ACM Distinguished Speaker, Full Member of Sigma Xi, Career-long Scientific Influence Rankings of Stanford's Top 2% Scientists. He was a Professor of Qingdao University, China. He has been an Assistant Professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2012 to 2016. He received his Ph.D. from Paris7 University and Ocean University of China in 2012. He worked in CNRS (France) as Research Engineer, Umea University/ KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) as Postdoc Research Fellow, Fundacion FIVAN (Spain) as Experienced Researcher, University College London (UK) as Research Associate, University of Barcelona (Spain) as Postdoc. He was a Marie Curie Fellow in European Union's Seventh Framework Program LANPERCEPT. His research mainly focuses on Digital Twins, Internet of Things, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Serious Game, HCI, Big data. He has contributed 300+ papers in the related fields on journals including 60 papers on IEEE/ACM Transactions, such as IEEE TC, IEEE TII, IEEE TITS, IEEE TMC, IEEE TFS, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TETC, IEEE TBD, IEEE/ACM TCBB, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCSS, IEEE JSAC, IEEE JSTSP, IEEE COMMAG, IEEE Network, IEEE IOTJ, ACM TOMM, ACM TOIT, ACM TIST, and conferences such as ACM MM, ACM CHI, ACM Siggraph, ICCV, IEEE Virtual Reality. He has more than 30 ESI highly cited papers and 15 ESI hot papers.
He is Editor-in-Chief of Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems(KeAi), an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Technology Policy and Ethics Newsletter, Computer Communications, Scientific Reports, Plos one, IET Image Processing, Frontiers in Plant Science. He is the Leading Guest Editors for 50 special issues including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Network, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Future Generation Computer Systems. He is General Chair of EAI INTETAIN 2021 and IEEE ICFTIC 2021. He is Co-Chair or Program Committee member of ACM MM 2021, ACM IUI2015-2021, IEEE CHASE Workshop on BIGDATA4HEALTH 2016, 2017, IEEE/CIC WIN Workshop 2016, IIKI2016-2021, WASA2016, 2017, IEEE PDGC2016, ACM SAC2017-WCN Track, IEEE CTS2016 Workshop on IoT2016, IEEE DASC2017,2020, ISAPE2017, IoTBDS2017, IEEE AIMS2017, IEEE iThings-2017, IEEE VTC2017-Fall, IEEE INFOCOM 2020-2021 workshop, ACM MobiCom 2020 workshop, ISAIR2021, ICC 2021 workshop. He has reviewed 400 papers as a reviewer for journals such as IEEE TMM, ACM TOMM, IEEE TII, IEEE TBD, IEEE TMC, IEEE TLT, IEEE TETC, IEEE TC, IEEE TVCG, IEEE TITS, IEEE/ACM TCBB, IEEE TDSC, ACM TOIT, IEEE Network, IEEE MultiMedia, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE COMMAG, and conference e.g. ACM MUM, ACM CHI, ACM DIS, IEEE EuroVis, ACM UIST, ACM MobileHCI, ACM CHIPLAY, ACM CSCW, ACM SUI, ACM ITS, IEEE VAST, IEEE VR, ACM IUI, IEEE 3DUI, ACM TVX, ACM Creativity & Cognition, ACM EICS, ACM IDC, IEEE ICSIPA, GI, IEEE ITSC, IEEE Sensors, ACM ACI, ACM VRST, ACM ISS, ACM HRI. He has received more than 20 awards from China, Europe, IEEE. He has received 1.5 million US dollars funding from government and industry as PI. He has been involved in many European and Chinese projects supported with funding of 25 million US dollars. He has given 80 invited talks for universities and companies in Europe and China, e.g., Aston University, University of Gothenburg, University of Geneva, Linkoping University, Aarhus University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Delft University of Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent. He has given 20 keynote speech for International conferences.