Invited Speaker 1

Internet of Battlefield Things: Challenges and Research Opportunities
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ph.D.
Cloud Technology Endowed Professorship
Dept. of Information Systems and Cyber Security
The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Internet of Things (IoT) deployed in military and adversarial settings, such as battlefields, generally consist of a diverse range of Internet-connected devices and nodes (e.g. medical devices, wearable combat uniforms, unmanned aerial vehicles and military vehicles), which are a valuable target for cyber criminals, particularly state-sponsored or nation state actors. While IoT and Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) share many of the underpinning cyber security risks, the sensitive nature of IoBT deployment (e.g. military and warfare) makes IoBT architecture and devices more likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. In addition, actors who target IoBT devices and infrastructure are more likely to be state-sponsored, better resourced, and professionally trained. This presentation will highlight some of the security and privacy challenges associated with IoBT as well as research opportunities (e.g. what can be done to address IoBT cybersecurity challenges?).
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo received the Ph.D. in Information Security in 2006 from Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He currently holds the Cloud Technology Endowed Professorship at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Prior to moving to USA in August 2016, he spent five years working for the University of South Australia, and five years working for the Australian Government Australian Institute of Criminology. He was also a visiting scholar at INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation between October 2015 and February 2016, and a visiting Fulbright scholar at Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice and Palo Alto Research Center (formerly Xerox PARC) in 2009. He serves on the editorial board of Computers & Electrical Engineering, Cluster Computing, Digital Investigation, IEEE Access, IEEE Cloud Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, PLoS ONE, Soft Computing, etc. He also serves as the Special Issue Guest Editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (2017), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (2016), Computers & Electrical Engineering (2017), Digital Investigation (2016), Future Generation Computer Systems (2016, 2018), IEEE Cloud Computing (2015), IEEE Network (2016), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2017), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2017), Journal of Computer and System Sciences (2017), Multimedia Tools and Applications (2017), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2017), Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2016), Wireless Personal Communications (2017), etc. In 2016, he was named the Cybersecurity Educator of the Year ? APAC (Cybersecurity Excellence Awards are produced in cooperation with the Information Security Community on LinkedIn), and in 2015 he and his team won the Digital Forensics Research Challenge organized by Germany's University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He is the recipient of ESORICS 2015 Best Paper Award, 2014 Highly Commended Award by the Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency, Fulbright Scholarship in 2009, 2008 Australia Day Achievement Medallion, and British Computer Society's Wilkes Award in 2008. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, and an Honorary Commander of the 502nd Air Base Wing, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston.
Invited Speaker 2

Intelligent Decision Computing Paradigms in Sustainable Computing
Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Ph.D.
Professor at School of Computing Science and Engineering
VIT University, India
In sustainable computing, Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) has been adopted for prediction, optimization and decision making challenges under variable number constraints based on un-structured data. The traditional systems are lack of efficiency, limited computational ability, inadequate and impreciseness nature of handling sustainable problems. Despite, Computational Intelligence (CI) paradigms have used for high computational power of intelligence system to integrate, analyze and share large volume of un-structured data in a real time, using diverse analytical techniques to discover sustainable information suitable for better decision making. In addition, CI has the ability to handle complex data using sophisticated mathematical models, analytical techniques. This key note talk provides a brief overview of computational intelligence (CI) paradigms and its noteworthy character in intelligent decision support and analytics of sustainable computing problems. The objective of this talk is to study and analyze the effect of CI for overall advancement of emerging sustainable computing technologies.
Dr. Arun Kumar Sangaiah received his Ph.D from VIT University and Master of Engineering from Anna University, in 2007 and 2014, respectively. He is currently Associate Professor at School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India. He was a visiting professor at School of computer engineering at Nanhai Dongruan Information Technology Institute in China (September. 2016-Jan. 2017). He has published more than 100 scientific papers in high standard SCI journals like IEEE-TII, IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE systems, IEEE-IoT, IEEE TSC, IEEE ETC and etc. In addition he has authored/edited over 8 books (Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis) and 50 journal special issues such as IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE-IoT, IEEE consumer electronic magazine etc. His area of interest includes software engineering, computational intelligence, wireless networks, bio-informatics, and embedded systems. Also, he was registered a one Indian patent in the area of Computational Intelligence. Besides, Prof. Sangaiah is responsible for Editorial Board Member/Associate Editor of various international SCI journals.