The 2024 World Congress on
Information Technology Applications and Services
(World IT Congress 2024)
February 14-16, 2024, Jeju, Korea
Published by Conference PDF Proceeding (without ISSN/ISBN) and
Intl' Journal Recommendations indexed by SCIE/SCOPUS (30~40%)
[Feb. 19, 2024]
- SCIE recommended papers (50%): 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 35
- Country of registered author: Korea, Spain, USA
- Participant's nationality: Korea, Spain, Ethoipia, Pakistan, Morocco, Veitnam, Laos
[Feb. 5, 2024]
  - Please Submit your presentation video via email by February 8th (in Korean time).
    *File name: Paper ID_Title (ex) 0001_Optimizing ~ )
[Jan. 15, 2024]
  - February 14 (Wed) : Online and Offline Presentation (All Day), Banquet
  - February 15 (Thu) : Online and Committee Meeting
  - February 16 (Fri) : Committee Meeting
The 2024 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services (World IT Congress 2024) will be held in Jeju, Korea, 2024. The World IT Congress 2024 is aimed at address key themes on "Advanced Mobile, Communications, Security, Multimedia, Vehicular, Cloud, IoT, and Computing". The World IT Congress will be the most comprehensive international events focused on the various aspects of Advances in IT, Applications, and Services (AITA). The congress will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of AITA. In addition, the congress will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practices in AITA. Furthermore, we expect that the congress and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject.
Technical papers will be presented in the following major topics:-
Track 1. Internet of Things and Sensors
Track 2. Embedded system and Middleware
Track 3. Security and Trust Computing
Track 4. Advanced Multimedia Computing
Track 5. Networking and Communications
Track 6. Bigdata and Data mining
Track 7. Web and Internet Computing
Track 8. Grid and Cloud computing
Track 9. Green IT and Sustainable Computing
Track 10. Computational Intelligent Computing
Track 11. Wellness and U-health Services
Track 12. IT Service Computing and Management
Track 13. Converged IT Services
Track 14. Blockchain & Informaiton Systems
Track 15. Content Protection & Copyright
Track 16. etc